The UKs departure from the EU, on the 1 January 2021, means that manufacturers will now need a EU Recognised Third Party Organisation for the approval of Welders, Welding Operators, or Welding Procedures for permanent joints in accordance with the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) (2014/68/EU). Therefore, companies or personnel operating in Europe (excluding Great Britain) with approval provided by a UK RTPO only, will not be in compliance with the EU Directive. Any conformity assessments achieved prior to 1 January 2021 will meet the EU Pressure Equipment Directive.
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In order to continue meeting the requirements of, and provide the high level of service expected by our clients, The WDC have taken steps to align with RINA certification for WPQR’s, WQ’s, Certification audits 1090, 3834 and 15085. If your company needs to meet PED requirements the cost and lead time we currently provide will be not be affected. Our approved RINA welding examiners are here to offer you the same exceptional service our clients have come to expect.
Who are RINA?
RINA third party certification services give an independent guarantee of compliance with associated regulatory standards across the EU.
They are designed to protect enterprises across all aspects of projects, operations, logistics and legislation covering a wide range of areas including climate change, management systems (quality, environmental, health and safety, social accountability), product safety and quality, environmental sustainability, social accountability, food certification, personnel, railways and green buildings.
Please follow this link to RINA website for more information.